Who We Are...
If you have given up on church, but you haven't given up on God, then this just might be the place for you. Forget everything you have ever heard or experienced about church, because this is something different. And, it's not just for cowboys!
People tell me they come because they like the relaxed atmosphere, where they can be themselves, whether they ride a Harley or a horse, divorced or married, boots or suits, it just don't matter. It's a place they can feel right at home!
The sermons at Cowboy Church are always biblical and relevant. You hear the Word and then are able to apply it and actually live out your faith! At Cowboy Church we're not about fancy programs or formats, we are just plainly put, finding real help from a real Savior!
Some people say they like the music at Cowboy Church. Our band plays a mixture of Inspirational Country, old and new Christian, along with some of your favorite hymns you can sing along with. All the while, we make certain the music will glorify God, our Savior Jesus Christ, and inspire you to live better lives. We make sure it is presented in a way that regular folks, like you, can appreciate.
This is why most folks who come to check us out, end up staying. So come down, check us out. We believe you'll end up staying too!
Come on, let's sit a spell...Looking forward to meeting you,
Pastor Louis Gibson

Expanding the vision...
Blue Ridge Cowboy Church is a church with great potential in reaching our community for Jesus Christ. We are nothing fancy, just grass roots folks working hard to allow people from all walks of life, feel comfortable worshipping and working together here. And remember, you don’t have to be a cowboy.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a t 10:30am